yamama cement company

yamama cement company

Yamama Cement company was established in1961 by Prince Mohammed Bin Saud Al-Kabeer, mainly to manufacture and trade in cement in Riyadh, the capital of K.S.A. Yamama which is a shareholding company, is rega​rded as the oldest cement company in the central region and the third of its kind in the kingdom producing 8650 tons Clinker a day.

Company information:

main products :

  • Cement Resistant :It is an Portland Cement with moderate resisting sulfates properties that hardens into solid a mass when combined with water. 
  • Finalise Cement :It is an Ordinary Protland Cement that hardens into solid a mass when combined with water . It is specially used for finishing works 
  • Normal Cement : It is an Ordinary Portland Cement that hardens into solid a mass when combined with water . It is resulted from pulverizing and softening of clinker formed by burning a mixture of homogenized limy materials and clay materials which contain Silica, Alumina, Sulfur Oxides, and adding gypsum during pulverizing.
  • Salt Resistant Cement :It is an Portland Cement with moderate resisting sulfates properties that hardens into solid a mass when combined with water. It is resulted from pulverizing and softening of clinker formed by burning a mixture of homogenized limy materials and clay materials which contain proportionate rates of Silica, Alumina, Sulfur Oxides, and adding gypsum during pulverizing.

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